Cassandra Martin Height

Instagram fitness model Cassandra Martin age and everything related

Cassandra Martin Height:

The code for the fitness of Cassandra Martin is a hard work ethic and a healthy diet along with the never-ending spirit and enthusiasm for living the fit lifestyle.

She’s gained special respect along with her popularity among the millions of followers, giving inspiration to all the women across the globe to go after this fit lifestyle and fight their battles on their own.

Cass was born in 1990 and has a weight which ranges from 56.7 to 61.2 kg. She is of American origin and with a height of 5’5”.

She once saw Jamie Eason in the cover of some magazine and looking at that she decided in her mind to get a muscular physique like Jamie. Working on her dreams, she shredded her weight and started to gain muscular mass.

How old is cassandra martin? Cass Martin
Weight 125 – 135lbs (56.7 – 61.2kg)
Height 5’5″ (165cm)
Year of Birth 1990
Where is cassandra martin from? American
Alias Cass
Profession Fitness Model, Social Media Star